Sunday, March 14, 2010

14/03/2010 Trashy weekend is over

It is Sunday noon. A trashy weekend face its end.
Normaly this weekend should be awesome. My friends from Latvia were comming and we decided to party as hard as possible. Well. I guess I am getting too old for that.
First their train was much too late, so they arrived somewhen rfiday night at 3 o'clock. And we were too tired to go out. Than on Saturday I was on a birthday from an other friend, before I wanted to meet with them at midnight. Unfortunatly, my taxidriver was not as nice as I wished and we discussed a very long time, and finaly, he droped me out somewhere in the streets, not willing to drive me longer. There a person come to me and had had an accident with his alcohol on my coat. The next taxidriver refused to open the windows. My coat was smelling from that alcohol, the whole taxy was smelling, I felt more and more sick, he was driving very curvy (? is there such a word?) and ... it happend.... I was too sick to meet up with my friends. (and they would not let me in a club in this condition). So, I went home, going to sleep, without having seen my nice friends :-( At all :-(((((((.
Next morning (=today) I wake up and puhhhhh! the whole room is smelling. bääääääää. I ask the girls for a laudry service... but as usual, they have no idea. I ask for a nice breakfast place and as usual.... no idea. Sometimes it is really hard for me not to think they are stupid.
I am sure they are smart, but they have often a completely different view on their city. Completely different interests. Therefore, there are a lot of questions they cannot answer (nice bars, cool clubs, gym, laundry, restaurants, jewelery shops, tailors, hairdressers, waxing service, grosseries, ...) Which frustrates me. This morning, I was very frustrated. I started to have some "fcking Poland" thoughts in my head. Very bad words and thoughts connected with Poland, and people living in this country. (And Poland is normaly one country I like very much. I spent here all my holidays for years. I always applied for projects in Poland and I have had always a great time. Especially in Warsaw.) So my anger shifted from Poland to bad thoughts about my room mate. Knowing Warsaw beeing a cool city, I blamed her (in my thoughts) to be stupid. Too stupid to know her own city, too yokel to have the nice live.
Of course I know it is not true. And as you can see it above, I have an approach to explain it. But in this morning, I felt like that.

So what to do? Of course, I am not rational, I am getting more and more exiting about it. So I searched my favorite song: "Heimweh" from Plüsch (Home sick) and played it and played it and sang my favorite line with it and played it again.

i ha ke luscht me ds bliibe i ghöre eifach nid da hi ha zwar alls probiert doch
das isch eifach nüt für mi u i ha heimweh nach de bärge nach em schoggi und em
wy nach de wälder nach de seeä

Meaning: I do not want to stay here anymore, I just do not fit here. I tryed everything, but it doesnt fit me. I am homesick for the mountans, for the chocolate and the wine. Missing the forrests and the lakes.

Than while hearing I start writing my blog from friday and watched the nice pictures from the olympia swimmers and springboards.... Feeling good now.

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